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Assessing Chances with the Canoe/Kayak Team

Szöveg: Sándor Galambos/Ferenc Antal |  2012. július 20. 15:28

„Eleven athletes of the Budapest Honvéd Sports Club (BHSC) will be present in London. All of them have trained for the Olympics to the best of their ability, and we hope that they will contribute five or six gold medals to the success of the Hungarian team”, Dr. István Simicskó, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, the social president of the BHSC said in assessing the Olympic chances.

On July 17 Dr. István Simicskó visited the training camp of the canoeing/kayaking section of the Budapest Honvéd SC. The social president of the BHSC met the athletes preparing for the Olympic Games – Danuta Kozák, Katalin Kovács, Gabriella Szabó – and their coach, Ferenc Csipes. During the conversation, of course they assessed the chances as well. The girls unanimously stated that they go to London for medals.

After watching the girls’ morning workout, István Simicskó expressed his satisfaction when we asked him some questions. “I believe we can put very great hope in these girls because in addition to the leaders of the BHSC and the Ministry of Defence, the whole country supports them and expects them to win medals. I think Ferenc Csipes has prepared them excellently, they are in good shape and have trained hard. And we need the successes and results very much." The State Secretary added that everybody in the ministry and the Honvéd SC is committed to the athletes so that they can achieve the best possible Olympic results.

Almost 10 per cent of the London Olympic squad is made up of Honvéd athletes, which is an outstanding achievement. In connection with that, the State Secretary said that having ties with the Hungarian Defence Forces definitely gives an extra drive to any competitor. The Ministry of Defence esteems and supports its Olympians. In this case, the cooperation between the ministry and the sports club is exemplary.


 Photos: Sándor Galambos

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