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Minister of Defence Visits Hungarian Troops Serving in Kosovo

Szöveg: Norbert Kálmánchei |  2017. december 5. 9:00

On 1 December, during his visit to KFOR in Pristina, Kosovo where he met Hungarian and foreign troops serving with NATO’s peacekeeping mission, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó stated that “Today we can live in security in Hungary because you are well-trained and doing an excellent job, so you deserve respect and appreciation for the work you are doing here – far you’re your loved ones and your homes – together with our allies in defence of the region and indirectly that of Hungarian people”. Besides the Minister of Defence, the delegation also included Szilárd Németh, Chairman, Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement of the National Assembly and Chief of Defence General Dr. Tibor Benkő.


The importance Hungary attaches to the stability of the Balkans region is indicated by the fact that as a result of this year’s increase in its troop level, the Hungarian Defence Forces’ contingent in Kosovo is the largest one among all Hungarian contingents deployed on operations abroad. Currently the 17th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-17 HUNCON) is serving in the country on the Western Balkans, and presently this close to 400-strong Hungarian unit represents the fifth largest operational contribution of significant capabilities among the KFOR troop contributing nations.


In addition to inspecting the Hungarian troops’ living and working conditions, with the Christmas season approaching, the main aim of the visit was to enable the Minister of Defence to express his gratitude and thanks to Hungarian soldiers for the dedicated work they are doing to maintain a safe and secure environment in Kosovo and the region.


During the day, the Minister of Defence visited the deployment sites of the KFOR-17 HUNCON, namely Camp Film City housing the KFOR HQ and Camp Novo Selo, where he conducted discussions with COMKFOR Maj.-Gen. Salvatore Cuoci and DCOM KFOR Brig.-Gen. János Csombók, who took over the position from his Austrian predecessor in October this year.


Following the discussions, the Minister of Defence met the Hungarian troops at a staff meeting, where he presented them with Christmas gift packs in recognition of their dedicated and honest work. Speaking at the staff meeting, Dr. István Simicskó said that we have only one common treasure: our homeland, for which we have made lots of sacrifices so that we can live in security and freedom in Hungary today. “Your vocation is the most beautiful one, as there are only a few who give their lives for others and there are only a few who undertake to serve the homeland at such a high level", the Minister of Defence added.


During the staff meeting, the Minister, provided information, among others, about the Zrínyi 2026 National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program and its current status and goals. In his speech, Dr. István Simicskó thanked the Hungarian troops for the self-sacrifice that they have made and are making in the service of our homeland, at Christmas and also on New Year’s Eve, far from their loved ones, families and homes.


Photos by the author