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Cooperation of V4 Countries Is of Key Importance

Szöveg: Gábor Kálmánfi |  2018. január 20. 2:44

Speaking in Székesfehérvár on Wednesday, 17 January, Deputy Defence Minister Tamás Vargha, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence stated that the cooperation of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries had a key role in stopping illegal migration.


At a press briefing held after a session of the Hungarian–Slovak mixed committee on military and other security policy issues, the state secretary said that the session had started with an overview of global security challenges, and the participants mutually agreed that the cooperation of the V4 countries is essential in this area too.

According to Tamás Vargha, by now most European countries see that the government made the right decision when it decided to provide physical security on the borders of Hungary. He emphasized that the cooperation of the Visegrád Four countries had a key role in stopping illegal migration.


“The cooperation between Slovakia and Hungary is fruitful and progressive in the field of national defence as well. Besides annual committee sessions, the ministerial-level meetings are also held on a regular basis. Furthermore, both countries consider foreign missions as important because we are convinced that problems must be solved where they arise. Defeating the Islamic State is only the first significant step on the road towards stabilization of the situation in that region too. The stability of the Balkans is especially important to us – that is why we support the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Balkan countries", the State Secretary said.

At the session, together with the hosts, the Slovak delegation – led by Róbert Ondreicsák, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic – reviewed the future of common security and defence cooperation, which was declared to be encouraging.


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