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Csaba Hende Holds Discussions with NATO Deputy Secretary General

Szöveg: / MTI |  2015. május 21. 12:33

On Sunday, May 17 Minister of Defence Csaba Hende held discussions with NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow, who arrived in Budapest to participate in the Monday plenary session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. At the meeting, the Minister of Defence informed his guest about a significant expansion in Hungary’s defence budget among others.


According to a news release sent by the Ministry of Defence to Hungarian News Agency MTI, at the meeting the Minister of Defence informed the Deputy Secretary General about the current state of the commitments Hungary made to the Alliance in connection with the decisions taken at NATO’s Wales Summit last September, the Hungarian participation in the international military coalition against the Islamic State, the building of the country’s defence capability and a significant increase in the defence budget.

The Minister of Defence said that NATO’s joint efforts not only strengthen Hungary’s security but also the collective defence capabilities of the Alliance. Minister Hende emphasized that Hungary will fulfill all its commitments made at the NATO Wales Summit. In this year, Hungary has already significantly increased its defence expenditures, and this tendency will continue in the following years. Next year the defence budget will increase by around HUF 50 billion, which means a 22 per cent increase as compared to this year’s budget, the Minister pointed out.


The Minister also noted that Hungary considers it important that the elements of the Readiness Action Plan adopted at the NATO Summit be finalized and implemented as soon as possible. Within its means, Hungary will contribute to the measures aimed at strengthening security.

Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, Chief of Defence was also present at the discussions.


Photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky