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Finnish Mi-8 Helicopters Receive Hungarian Certificates

Szöveg: Imre Szenczi and Balázs Morvay |  2012. április 1. 6:01

Last year Finland donated two Mi-8T medium transport helicopters to Hungary. The aircraft had to be refitted to be able to meet the Hungarian requirements. Following the preparations and the successful test flights by the authority, Gyula Győri, the Deputy President of the National Transport Authority, Head of Aviation Authority recently signed the first certificates of airworthiness and handed them over to Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende in Szolnok.

 To enhance their capabilities, the Finnish Ministry of Defence had built a
number of add-on systems into the Mi-8 helicopters offered to Hungary.
At the same time, in order to ensure their operability in Hungary, to
enter them in the aircraft register and issue the first certificate of
airworthiness, the experts had to perform several preliminary tasks.

The procedure required the training of maintenance experts, the installation of the built-in (communication and IFF) systems and the temporary checks that are indispensable for entering into service.

As the Hungarian military aviation authority, the National Aviation Department of the Aviation Authority of the National Transport Authority is responsible for managing the national aircraft register, which entails the duties of entering the given aircraft in the national aircraft register and issuing the certificate of airworthiness.

The authority and the experts of the Hungarian Defence Forces carried out the official procedures in compliance with the relevant laws in force. They started executing the task in the fall of 2011, when all involved organizations of the Hungarian Defence Forces sent their representatives to the first meeting which was held at the Szolnok Helicopter Base.

The cooperative and dedicated work done by the excellent expert staff of the HDF Aircraft Repair Plant, the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Basis and the HDF Joint Force Command served well the effective execution of the tasks.

After the authority successfully completed the test flights of the helicopters in Kecskemét, Gyula Győri, Deputy President of the NTA and Head of the Aviation Authority signed the first certificates of airworthiness during a ceremony held in Szolnok, and handed over the documents to Defence Minister Csaba Hende who was attending the “welcome home" and farewell ceremonies of HDF contingents in the garrison.


 Photos: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky and archives of Aviation Authority
