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FOURLOG 2016 Multinational Logistic Training

Szöveg: |  2016. március 31. 9:00

The Military Logistic Institute recently organized and conducted the FOURLOG Multinational Logistic Training for the 13th time. By tradition, officer candidates of four nations completed the tasks of the exercise. In addition to students from the Austrian Armed Forces Logistics School, the Czech University of Defence (Brno) and the University of Defence (Belgrade), Hungary was represented by graduating student cadets of the Military Economics BSc from the National University of Public Service Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training.
The training scenario was based on a conflict on the territory of fictitious states and nations in a Central European infrastructural and climatic environment, where, as part of the UN-mandated forces, a multinational brigade was also deployed in the conflict management. Accordingly, while executing their tasks during the exercise, the students were assigned to five multinational working groups of the participating nations.


In the Austrian phase of the training, after identifying the objectives of the mission and the military operation, the cohesion building and pre-deployment training of the multinational units took place, during which the officer candidates received assistance from the Austrian Armed Forces 35th Panzergrenadier Battalion. The students conducted a logistic survey in the Hungarian sector of their designated area of responsibility, and also in the potentially available landing zone. Subsequently, they deployed the sub-units to the area of responsibility.

The working groups were tasked with planning the logistic supply for the deployment of a given battalion. They had to prepare all the related logistic stockpile plans, and after the end of deployment and following the H-hour, they had to plan the logistic tasks required by the conduct of the operation.


During the phase of the training conducted in the Czech Republic, they had to arrange the staging area of a logistic company in the mountains near Brno, and afterwards they rehearsed the tasks of the company at the Vyskov training base.

One of the hardest parts of the training was when the officer candidates had to perform their duties in different roles in line with the current level of logistic tasks. At times they were executing tasks in the logistic staff of the brigade or the battalion, and sometimes they received assignments as a logistic team of the Operational Liaison and Intelligence Group and then as officers of the National Support Element.

