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Halfway Through the Mission and Change of Camp

Szöveg: MAT-2 |  2014. március 21. 14:20

The second rotation of the HDF Military Advisory Team (MAT-2) has reached halfway through its mission, and concurrent with that, the contingent has moved to another camp.

The soldiers serving with the second rotation of the HDF Military Advisory Team lined up on the parade ground to say goodbye to Camp Mike Spann, which accommodated them for more than a year. The ceremony was attended by the commandant and the command sergeant major of the camp, the commanders of other mentor teams and Col. József Mogyorósi, the senior Hungarian officer as well.

The soldiers of the MAT-2 lined up in a ceremony to bid farewell to Camp Mike Spann

In his speech, MAT-2 commander Col. Zoltán Bárány thanked the commander of Regional Support Command North – the organization responsible for running the camp – for the cooperation and the comprehensive support provided to the Hungarian contingent and all other contingents.

Addressing the MAT servicemembers, the commander stressed that “the current change of camp just closes a chapter, we will carry on the flag, the story of the contingent goes on."

The parade was closed with a ceremonial lowering of Hungary’s national flag

The second half of the mission has further important tasks and challenges in store, and the MAT will carry them out from its new operational base. The parade was closed with the lowering of Hungary’s national flag.

After the ceremony, the contingent started moving to Camp Marmal, from where it is going to carry out its further tasks in the second half of the mission.

The contingent has started moving to Camp Marmal

Photos: MAT-2