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Instructor Exchange Program at the Service of the International Peace Support

Szöveg: Major Róbert Bolesza |  2018. július 5. 6:45

The time has come for the end-of-course exercise of the United Nations Military Experts on Mission (UNMEoM) course, containing also the training of the UN military observers, UN staff officers and UN military advisors.

The course organised by the Austrian, German, Swiss and Dutch Peace Support Centres is attended by 147 soldiers from 41 countries, as students and instructors. The preparation for the exercise is carried out by the training centres simultaneously, but at four different venues and countries. This year the HDF Peace Support Training Centre contributes with two instructors to the large-scale event in the framework of the international instructors exchange program. In Germany Major Róbert Bolesza supports the preparatory training at the German Armed Forces United Nations Training Centre (DEU UN Trg Centre), in Hammelburg, while in Austria, Lt.-Col. Gábor Szűcs Ret. at the Austrian Armed Forces International Centre, in Götzendorf.

This year’s eight-day end-of-course exercise is of special importance, because it is ten years now that the so called Four-Peace Central Europe (4-PCE) exercise, closing the international peace operations rehearsal training, ongoing at present around the Lake Constance, is jointly organised on a 400 square kilometre territory of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. The opening ceremony of the end-of-course exercise was staged on one of the prestigious squares of Lindau town in the presence of the military representatives of different ranks of the four countries, where among others the Commanders of the Dutch and German training centres gave speeches.

The UNMEoM 2018 exercise starting on June 18 lasts until July 6, and following its successful completion, the participants can take over the UN accredited diplomas, which will authorize them to participate in the peace support operations taking place in the different crisis zones of the world.