Hungarian Evening in Film City
Szöveg: Lt. Grácia Korom | 2013. április 3. 9:11On March 15 the Hungarian soldiers serving as staff officers and members of the Liaison Monitoring Team (LMT) commemorated the 165th anniversary of the 18148–1849 Revolution and War of Independence at the KFOR Headquarters in Pristina, Kosovo.
Deputy Commander KFOR Brig.-Gen. Bojan Pograjc and Chief of Staff KFOR Brig.-Gen.
Steven W. Duff honored the event with their presence. Also present were Lt.-Col. (Eng.)
Ferenc Bátor, the commander of the eighth rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent and
Deputy Head of Mission Imre Vékás-Kovács from the Hungarian Embassy in Kosovo.
In his speech delivered at the ceremony, Senior National Representative Col. (Eng.) (Dipl.)
József Miskolczi summed up the historic events in English and Hungarian.
At the end of the staff meeting the participants were served goulash, a traditional Hungarian