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Hungarian Soldiers Can Learn Thai Boxing in Budapest

Szöveg: / MTI |  2017. szeptember 21. 16:00

At the invitation of the Royal Thai Embassy, soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces can learn Thai boxing in the capital city.


Gábor Czinke, the trainer of the Thai Boxing Academy holds a training session for soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces

According to information provided in the program of the Hungarian M1 TV channel on Monday, 18 September, the training course organized at the Thai Boxing Academy will last for five days. Gábor Czinke, the trainer of the Thai Boxing Academy told us that the more than 1000-year-old sport had originally been developed for military purposes in ancient times, with great emphasis laid on close quarters combat. He informed us that altogether 20 Hungarian soldiers are allowed to participate in the training course which runs from Monday to Friday. There will be two sessions per day during the course, which introduces the participants to basic and advanced techniques.

The opening event was attended by Ambassador of Thailand to Budapest Jakkrit Srivali and Péter Gyila, the head of the Ministry of Defence Department for International Cooperation.


Ambassador of Thailand to Budapest Jakkrit Srivali presents a boxing glove to a soldier participating in a Thai boxing course

Photo: Zoltán Máthé (MTI)