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Ukrainian Inspectors in Tata

Szöveg: Renáta Petrovics |  2014. március 6. 9:00

The barracks of Tata was recently visited by another foreign military team: a Ukrainian delegation of four arrived at the HDF 25th ‘Klapka György’ Infantry Brigade for an “evaluation visit”, in compliance with the provisions of the Vienna Document of 2011 composed of Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBM).


The Ukrainian inspector team visited the military training area of the Tata brigade to watch an ongoing driving practice

The Ukrainian inspector team and the staff members of the HDF Command and Doctrine Centre accompanying them were received by Brig.-Gen. Zsolt Sándor, the commander of the brigade, who informed them about the unit.

During the visit, the guests went to the military training area of the brigade, where they watched an ongoing driving practice, and also to the range of Szomód to see a live fire exercise there. While in the barracks, they visited various facilities of the brigade, and then were introduced to the enlisted quarters – which can accommodate up to 408 men –, the unit history memorial site and the motor transport (MT) facility.


The Ukrainian inspector team arrived at the brigade for an “evaluation visit"

Photos by the author