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Visit to Sarajevo

Szöveg: Lieutenant Colonel Henrik Csányi |  2019. július 18. 16:46

The Deputy State Secretary for Security Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade visited to Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Dr. István Balogh was accompanied by H.E. Mr. Krisztián Pósa, the Ambassador of Hungary to Sarajevo, Lieutenant Colonel László Hajas, the Defence, Military and Air Attaché of the Hungarian Embassy in Sarajevo and Csaba Félegyházi, the Secretary of the Embassy.


During his visit, the Deputy State Secretary met the EUFOR and the NATO Forces Commanders. Both Major General Reinhard Trischak, and Brigadier General Marti Bissel highly commended the professional knowledge, work of the Hungarian soldiers.


After the official meetings, István Balogh viewed the technical display of the Hungarian Contingent, and then listened to the briefing of EUFOR Chief of Staff (COS) Brigadier General László Szabó, and Chief of Staff NHQSa Colonel Tibor Papp.


Photos of Chief Warrant Officer Sándor Csoma