Ugrás a tartalomhozUgrás a menüpontokhozUgrás a lábléchez

1456, 1956 – 555 Years, 55 Years

2013. március 1. 14:17

Already an integral “piece of the continent” for half a thousand years, in 1456 our country as the “shield of Christianity” heroically defended Europe against the sultan’s huge army at the castle of Nándorfehérvár (Belgrade), winning a breathtaking victory. Since that victory, throughout the Christian world the bells toll for Hungary at noon every day, commemorating the heroes of our nation. 500 years after the siege of Nándorfehérvár, in the autumn of 1956, Hungarians took up arms against an oppressive and brutal communist regime. This time the „lads of Pest” engaged the invading Soviet troops sent to crush the revolution on the streets of Budapest without having the chance for a final victory. 555 years ago the sons of many nations joined forces with an exemplary attitude for the defence of Europe, but 55 years ago Europe abandoned its bleeding child. In this book we pay tribute to the memory of Nándorfehérvár and the noon bell, the Hungarian Holy Crown, as well as Budapest, and the insuppressible word of freedom, even if suppressed with bloodshed – through the works of historian Emma Bartoniek and war historians Tamás Pálosfalvi and Miklós Horváth. The book is richly illustrated with colour photographs, and has already been published in Hungarian language, entitled Nándorfehérvártól a Corvin közig.

Year of publish: 2011
Language: English
Number of pages: 112 with 60 colour pictures
Size: 165×235 mm
Binding: sponge cover hardcover book
ISBN: ISBN 978 963 327 526 9
Price: 10 USD + delivery fee
Stock: You can buy the book directly from the publisher: Postal address: 1087 Hungary, Budapest, Kerepesi út 29/b, Fax: 06-1-459-5382, Points of contact: Edina Győr: +36-30-578-1048, [email protected]; Cynthia Bartha: +36-30-633-0619, [email protected]