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Capt. Andrea Nagy Kleinné


We Are in Motion…

2013. szeptember 5. 16:15

“The days are flying past and we are setting everything in motion” – this is how Capt. Péter Süle, a logistic officer of the Hungarian Defence Forces National Support Element–Afghanistan (HUN NSE-A) starts his report.


Target Practice in Mazar-e Sharif

2013. július 2. 9:10

The personnel of the seventh rotation of the HDF National Support Element and the Hungarians serving in individual positions in Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan recently carried out pistol and assault rifle target practices in conjunction with US soldiers.


Transfer of Authority in the Heat

2013. június 20. 9:32

The handover-takeover process between the 6th and 7th rotations of the HDF National Support Element Afghanistan (HUN NSE) has entered its last phase. The logisticians – who have done the main share of the work in closing down the Hungarian Defence Forces Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT) in the period since May 19 – shared the lessons learned in the last six months and handed over the system of relationships with other nations and the tasks to the members of the incoming rotation.


Silent Commemoration

2013. június 14. 18:00

On June 10 the soldiers serving with the seventh rotation of the HDF National Support Element – Afghanistan (NTM-A) and those posted to individual positions lit candles at Mazar-e Sharif to pay tribute to the memory of those Hungarian soldiers who lost their lives on that day.