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Négy szövetséges és egy partnernemzet hozza létre a különleges erők regionális parancsnokságát

2019. február 14. 10:35

Horvátország, Magyarország, Szlovákia és Szlovénia védelmi miniszterei február 13-án, szerdán – a NATO brüsszeli védelmi miniszteri találkozójának margóján – szándéknyilatkozatot írtak alá egy regionális különleges műveleti komponensparancsokság (Regional Special Operations Component Command, R-SOCC) létrehozásáról. A NATO védelmi minisztereinek találkozóját követően Ausztria partnernemzetként fogja aláírni a szándéknyilatkozatot. Ezzel a kezdeményezés a NATO-szövetségesek és a partnerek közti szoros együttműködés újabb példájává válik.


Secretary General previews meetings of NATO Defence Ministers

2018. február 13. 18:33

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg briefed media on Tuesday (13 February 2018) on the agenda of this week’s meetings of NATO Defence Ministers. On Wednesday and Thursday, Allies will take decisions to prepare for the Summit of NATO leaders in July. Ministers will address a range of issues, including NATO’s Command Structure, fair burden-sharing, cooperation with the EU, and the Alliance’s role in projecting stability and fighting terrorism.


Statement by the NATO Secretary General following Afghanistan’s national mourning day

2018. január 30. 15:00

NATO stands with Afghanistan in sympathy and solidarity as we pay tribute to the victims of the recent brutal and cowardly terrorist attacks. My thoughts are with the loved ones of the victims, and with the wounded.


Denmark and Italy help secure Baltic Airspace

2018. január 12. 9:32

Demark and Italy are to keep the skies of the Baltic safe as part of NATO’s Air Policing mission in the region. Danish F-16 jets will fly from Šiauliai Air Base in Lithuania, while Italy’s Eurofighters will operate in a supporting role from Ämari in Estonia. Allies have been taking turns to police Baltic airspace since 2004, when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania joined NATO.


NATO Secretary General discusses preparations for July Summit with President Pahor of Slovenia

2018. január 11. 11:02

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed President Borut Pahor of Slovenia to NATO Headquarters on Tuesday (9 January 2018) for discussions about the Alliance’s adaptation and preparations for the NATO Summit in July.


NATO adopts official hymn

2018. január 5. 19:05

NATO adopted an official hymn for the first time in the Alliance’s history on Wednesday (3 January 2018).


NATO Secretary General welcomes stronger European defence, stresses need for complementarity

2017. december 16. 11:01

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed efforts for stronger European defence, arriving at a meeting of the European Council on Thursday (14 December 2017).


North Atlantic Council statement on the extension of the Secretary General’s mandate

2017. december 15. 9:00

Allies agreed on 12 december 2017 to extend the mandate of Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg by two years, until 30 September 2020.


NATO Allies and partners help Albania cope with flood disaster

2017. december 10. 10:13

NATO Allies and partners began this week helping Albania cope with the most severe rainfalls ever recorded in the country. Albania requested assistance from the NATO’s Euro Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) on 4 December, following the onset of heavy rainfalls in central and southern parts of the country.


NATO Defence Ministers meet to continue the Alliance’s adaptation for the 21st Century

2017. november 7. 16:42

At a meeting of NATO Defence Ministers on 8 November 2017, the Alliance will address a range of issues – including NATO’s Command Structure, North Korea and Afghanistan.