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Ceremony on the Hungarian Defence Forces’ Day in Kosovo

Szöveg: Lt. Beáta Cs. Sárkány |  2017. május 26. 9:00

The soldiers of the 16th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent (KFOR-16 HUNCON) also commemorated the Hungarian Defence Forces’ Day in Camp Novo Selo.


“The events of 1848-49 and the heroes recapturing Buda Castle set an example to us of self-sacrifice, camaraderie and fight. We can draw strength from this example for that work of the armed defence of our homeland which demands cooperation, sacrifice, discipline and professionalism", Lt. Péter Dojcsák underlined in his speech delivered at the ceremony, and went on quoting Lajos Kossuth: “The homeland is eternal, and our responsibility is not only the homeland now, but also our responsibility is the homeland which can be and will be".

“True to our predecessors, we, the soldiers of our age must be worthy of the trust of society, and must always follow our predecessors’ example so we can and must be proud that we belong to the great family of the Hungarian Defence Forces", the lieutenant said in closing his speech.


After the ceremonial speech, Military Chaplain Lt. Kornél Horváth said a ceremonial prayer and consecrated the flag of the KFOR TACRES Battalion. After the blessing, National Contingent Commander Lt.-Col. Attila Budai presented awards to the members of the contingent on the occasion of the Hungarian Defence Forces’ Day. The ceremony ended with the Szózat (second national anthem).

Photos by the author