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Colonel Ottmár Muhr’s Bust Unveiled in Sopron

Szöveg: Szabolcs Nyulas |  2015. december 16. 9:00

The unveiling ceremony of Hussar Colonel Ottmár Muhr’s bust took place on Saturday, 12 December in Deák Square, Sopron.

Representing the Ministry of Defence at the event held on the memorial day of the Battle of Limanowa, Brig.-Gen. János Jákob, the Protestant military bishop of the Hungarian Defence Forces said that Col. Ottmár Muhr had been killed in action at the beginning of the First World War while leading his soldiers on an assault against the Russian army on Jabloniec Hill. As a result of the battle fought near Limanowa between November and December 1914, the Austro-Hungarian forces not only halted the advancing Russian troops but also drove them back. In his words, pushing back “the Russian steamroller" had a psychological significance too, because it restored the morale of the Monarchy’s forces.


The skirmish on the hill was a significant moment of the battle, in which Ottmár Muhr and the Nádasdy hussars under him turned a seemingly hopeless situation around and won a victory. Leading his forces, the colonel gave an order to assault the Russian positions, and finally managed to break the outnumbering enemy’s resistance at a price of very cruel and bloody fighting. The commander was hit twice and both shots were deadly. His comrades, however, did not let his corpse fall into enemy hands but rather protected, in a bloody fight, Ottmár Muhr’s remains that still lie there today, on top of the hill where he sacrificed his life. According to János Jákob, based on the above we can state that Col. Ottmár Muhr showed his military genius and patriotism through his total devotion to duty and his courageous attitude.

In his speech, Mayor Dr. Tamás Fodor reminded his audience that the engagement became known and went down in history books as the “Hungarian battle", written on their brightest pages. In 1924, an artwork known as Limanowa monument was erected in the place of the current one to commemorate the hussars who fell during the battle, but the Communist dictatorship demolished it in the 1950s. For this reason, the current monument does historical justice to the Sopron hussars and their commander, Ottmár Muhr. “The heroes of the Battle of Limanowa confirm us in our belief that unshakeable faith and determination can create future", he said, adding that posterity, especially the young generation must know those heroic feats that are good examples of patriotism.


Following the speeches, the brigadier-general, the mayor and Albert Muhr, the colonel’s grandson jointly unveiled the bust made by sculptor Attila Csák, and then laid the wreaths and flowers of remembrance on the pedestal of the work. It was revealed that the memorial was created with the cooperation of the Ministry of Defence, the municipality of Sopron and the Hungarian Hussar and Military Re-enactor Association. Among others, several re-enactor unions were present at the event. Wearing period uniforms, before the unveiling ceremony, their members attended a memorial Mass which was celebrated to honour the fallen of the Battle of Limanowa.

Photo: Gábor Galovtsik