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Exercise Load Diffuser 2017 Continues with Complex Tasks

Szöveg: Nikolett Török |  2017. június 5. 10:12

After the air-to-air and air-to-ground missions flown in the first week of Load Diffuser 2017, the participants of the exercise carried out more complex operations during the second week.

In the second week of the exercise, the pilots took off to fly missions in the morning and in the afternoon hours. In the morning, they practiced certain components of Composite Air Operations (COMAO), such as Strike Coordination And Reconnaissance (SCAR), Beyond Visual Range (BVR) attacks and Close Air Support (CAS) of own ground troops. The full composite air operations were conducted in the afternoons.


The tasks included Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), surveillance, interdiction, and personnel recovery of “downed" pilots, who also had opportunity to practice the procedures for the post-landing phase of ejection.

During the last two weeks of the exercise, the pilots are to execute a total of seven complex missions. The scenario is based on a simulated armed conflict, in which the area of Hungary is divided into two fictitious neighboring enemy countries. The blue team and the red team are to defend and attack the given country respectively. Of course, they will swap roles so that all participants have a chance to practice every combat maneuver.


Photos: Lt.-Col. Dr. István Toperczer