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General William M. Fraser Visits Hungary

Szöveg: WO Éva Szabó Soproniné |  2013. augusztus 2. 9:31

Gen. William M. Fraser, the commander of the US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) paid a visit to Hungary on July 25–26. The aim of his visit was, among others, to learn about the operation of Pápa Air Base.


Having arrived from Stuttgart, Gen. Fraser first paid a visit to Pápa Air Base, where he was informed about the operation of the base and the directions for future development, and met the personnel of the US contingent serving there. The commander was received, among others, by Col. Trevor Nitz, the US Vice-Commander of the Heavy Airlift Wing and Lt.-Col. Zoltán Vicai, the chief of staff of the air base. After the briefings, the guests were shown round the base and introduced to the implemented projects and key facilities.

Following his tour to Pápa, Gen. Fraser continued his visit in the Ministry of Defence, Budapest, where he held discussions with MoD Parliamentary State Secretary Tamás Vargha, MoD Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning Péter Siklósi and Lt.-Gen. Dr. Zoltán Orosz, the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff.


Photos: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky, Éva Szabó Soproniné