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Hungarian Minister of Defence Visit to KFOR

Szöveg: / kfor |  2015. november 27. 21:29

On 26 November 2015 Minister of Defence of Hungary, Mr. Istvan Simicsko, visited Camp “Film City” NATO KFOR Headquarters. He was welcomed by KFOR Commander, Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta.

General Miglietta and Minister Simicsko discussed the latest developments in the current security situation in Kosovo. They agreed on the importance of KFOR’s presence to preserve a safe and secure environment and guarantee freedom of movement for all people in the region, working in close coordination with the local and International Community.


The meeting was also an opportunity for General Miglietta to emphasize the high professionalism of the Hungarian soldiers in accomplishing KFOR’s mandate, since the beginning of the mission.


Hungarian service members are deployed with KFOR, mostly in Multinational Battle Group East and also as part of the KFOR’s Tactical Manoeuvre Battalion. Currently, the position of Deputy Commander KFOR is held by Hungarian Army Brigadier General Ferenc Korom.


Minister Simicsko confirmed that “Hungary is fully committed to maintaining stability in Kosovo and it will continue to sustain KFOR for a peaceful Kosovo".