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Our Common Freedom Can Create Welfare

Szöveg: Ádám Draveczki-Ury |  2012. február 28. 10:01

We have to live a free life unencumbered with fear and hatred, and so we have to remember too” – Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende stressed at a commemoration that was held to mark the memorial day of the victims of communism and the 10th anniversary of the House of Terror Museum in Budapest on February 25.

“The victims of communism are of all stripes, as there are around one hundred million of them around the world", Csaba Hende underlined in his speech. “What can find a way to our hearts? The stories that place human beings in the center, stories about the brave who were broken, vilified, destroyed and buried" – the Minister stressed. Csaba Hende pointed out that year by year, on this memorial day we have to tell these true stories to our daughters and sons without anger and fondness.

“Truth makes us free and will not ever let them lose their freedom. This is the mission of the House of Terror" – the Minister of Defence said. He reminded those present of the fact that ten years to this day an unexpectedly large crowd gathered here to stand up for this mission in a dignified, disciplined and elevating atmosphere, just as those 400,000 people in the peace march did some weeks ago, demonstrating in support of the hurt dignity of the Hungarian nation.

Csaba Hende said that the building on Andrássy St. 60 symbolizes national self-surrender too, all the henchmen who represented foreign interests at all times, betraying everything that was Hungarian with pleasure to promote their own and their comrades’ welfare. He noted that on several occasions, the Hungarian nation said a definite and democratic “no" to the communist traitors and their reign of terror. In 1945, 1947, 1956 and 1990 we sent the same self-assured message to the whole world: we do not want the dictates or governors of foreign powers. “Nobody can make a decision about us instead of us, because it is only freedom experienced with a sense of responsibility that can create order, cooperation and respect for human dignity. Only freedom can create welfare: the common freedom of us all", the Minister said.

“Now we put fear and hatred behind bars, because we do not want for them to have any place in our lives. But we will not forget them.", Csaba Hende quoted these words from a speech delivered by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in 2002. He stressed that we have to live a free life unencumbered with fear and hatred, and so we have to remember too. “Let us remember! God bless the Hungarians!" – the Minister of Defence closed his speech.


 Photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky

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