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Tactics between buildings

Szöveg: 2nd Lt. Csaba Búz |  2016. május 23. 9:00

Camp Vrelo, Kosovo. In early May the Hungarian KFOR Contingent’s members (Charlie Company) took part in a Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) exercise.


The exercise was held for several days with tree platoons of the Hungarian company training alternately. The scenario was the same: one platoon secured the area, another cleared the building, and the third one was ready to react in Camp Slim Lines as a Quick Reaction Force.

According to the basic situation, two Hungarian soldiers were attacked in a village and their vehicle damaged. They went into the immediate building where they were captured. The company’s mission was to rescue these people. The operation always started with a helicopter transportation but every day was different because the leaders of the training changed the captured soldier’s place.


During the exercise the Combat Life Saver (CLS) soldiers had also tasks because they must have provided first aid for the wounded soldiers. One squad carried the injured person back to the next medical level where the first sergeant of the Charlie COY could call MEDEVAC.

The Charlie COY belongs to the Portuguese-Hungarian KFOR Tactical Reserve Manoeuvre Battalion (KTM) and they have many Crowd Riot Control (CRC) exercises in Kosovo.


“Most of the time we carry out CRC trainings, but now we would have liked to make a little different training with the MOUT drills where we focused on clearing and securing the buildings."- said Captain Varga, the commander of Charlie COY.

Photos by the author