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The Enlisted Soldiers Swore to Defend and Protect the Homeland

Szöveg: Ádám Draveczki-Ury |  2011. szeptember 12. 8:42

“You, as honvéd soldiers, are the defenders and protectors of our Homeland, our nation: this service is an exalted and elevating mission”, declared General Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff in Szentendre, September 8, on the swearing-in ceremony of the joined up enlisted personnel.

One hundred and thirteen enlisted soldiers took a public military oath Thursday morning in Szentendre, on the parade ground of the Hungarian Defence Forces Central Training Base (HDF CTB). The lined up honvéd troops joined up June 7 this year, and since then they have completed the mandatory 14-week unified basic military training, and have also successfully passed their examinations. Their swearing-in ceremony was attended by General Dr. Tibor Benkő, Chief of the MoD Defence Staff and Colonel Zsolt Mikusi, Commander of the HDF CTB. The text of the oath was pre-read by Csaba Kovács honvéd for his comrades.

Following the oath-taking Dr. Tibor Benkő delivered a festive speech. He reminded the sworn in soldiers that just recently they have committed themselves to defend and protect, in all circumstances, the independence and freedom of Hungary, and the rights of its citizens. “There is no other country in the world where the soldiers would be called homeland defenders (hon-véd). You, as honvéd soldiers, are the defenders, the protectors of our homeland, our nation: what an exalted and elevating mission this service is" pointed out the Chief of Defence, and then underlined: the military service is a dangerous vocation giving many trials, which sometimes factually demands the sacrifice of life from its undertaker – true to the text of the oath. Tibor Benkő told the attendees and their parents to be proud of the oath-taking soldiers, who are willing and able to give up even the dearest, their own life for the sake of the homeland.

The general requested the soldiers to fulfil their duties faithfully to their oath, observing the commands of the superiors, providing conscientiously for their subordinates. “Be brave, heroic and self-sacrificing. Your oath is for a lifetime, not only for the time, when you wear the uniform. Great tasks lie ahead of you, the military organisations are looking forward to your arrival", said Tibor Benkő, and called the attention of the soldiers to the importance of the community-based and comradely approach. He reminded the honvéd soldiers that this day marks not only the beginning of their military contract service career, but also their first step on the path, going through which they can become the NCOs of the future, and be the NCO-personnel of the next generation. On behalf of the Defence Ministry and the MoD Defence Staff he expressed his deep gratitude to the parents for having raised their children in such a spirit, that they chose this beautiful vocation, which also goes hand in hand with much self-denial, trials, challenges.

After the ceremony the honvéd soldiers were regrouped to the military organisations, with which they concluded their contract.

 Photo: László Tóth

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