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Austrian–Hungarian Ecumenical Service

Szöveg: Austrian–Hungarian Ecumenical Service |  2013. augusztus 3. 7:04

As reported earlier, the 12th rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent recently completed its tour of duty in EUFOR Operation ALTHEA.

For the most part, it is the field chaplains who provide the soldiers practicing their religion with opportunity to do so. Walter Woschitz, the Austrian field chaplain responsible for the pastoral care of Austrian troops serving at Camp Butmir and his Hungarian counterpart, 1st Lt. Mór Milán Markovics held a joint Austrian–Hungarian ecumenical service on Sunday, July 14, during which they prayed in German and Hungarian for God’s blessing on each other’s life and service, on all members of the outgoing and incoming contingents and their families, the Hungarian Defence Forces, the Bundesheer, as well as Austria and Hungary. As a sign of their unity in Christ, the two chaplains offered their prayers together, and the faithful said the Lord’s prayer in both languages simultaneously.


Islam was the main topic for the conversation following the service. The HDF EUFOR-12 and the HDF EUFOR-13 rotated just at the beginning of Ramadan, the period of fasting observed by all Muslims. There are many Muslim believers at Camp Butmir in Sarajevo, mainly among the Turkish troops, so that increased attention is paid to religion.

Photo: Cpl. Tibor Somogyi