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Canadian NCO at the Helicopter Base

Szöveg: CCMSsgt. Istvan Zsolt Tigyi |  2015. május 9. 9:10

Chief Warrant Officer (Mr. Gnr.) Etienne DeGready, the manager of Non Commissioned Member Professional Development for Canadian Defence Academy has paid an official visit to the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base.

He was accompanied by CSM Istvan Kriston, and CSM Tibor Negyesi, command sergeant majors of the HDF and HDF JFC, respectively.


The visitors were welcomed by Brigadier General Imre Lamos, the commander of the Base.
The event started with the short introduction of the Base, the HDF Peace Support Training Centre, the HDF 88th Light Infantry Battalion and the HDF 34th Laszlo Bercsenyi Special Operations Battalion.

The distinguished guests had a look at the air assets operating from the base, and were given a presentation of the history and the actual practical training of the Aircraft Maintenance Training Centre introduced by two young sergeants who graduated last year.

They then tried training on the NFTC simulator and the visit ended a tour of a tour of Szolnok Aviation Museum.


Photo: András Fodor