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Celebrating Saint Stephen in Camp Szent István

Szöveg: Zsolt Süle |  2014. augusztus 29. 12:00

On August 20, peacekeepers and public dignitaries arrived from all UNFICYP bases at Camp Szent István of the Hungarian contingent in Athienou, where, besides the usual operational duties, the whole day was spent in the spirit of preparing for Hungary’s state holiday.

Apart from the members of the Hungarian contingent, more than 70 guests were invited to the ceremony, which was attended, among others, by Head of Mission Lisa Buttenheim, Maj.-Gen. Kristin Lund, the newly appointed Force Commander of the mission, Balázs Botos, Hungary’s ambassador to Cyprus, Demetris Papapetrou, the mayor of Athienou, a village housing the Hungarian contingent, the UNFICYP sector commanders and all officers from Sector Four.


In her ceremonial speech, Capt. Zsuzsanna Budán pointed out St. Stephen’s merits, his state-founding activity and stressed the military virtues of Hungary’s first king, which set an example to today’s soldiers as well. She noted that by founding the state, King St. Stephen raised Hungary among the most developed European countries, and was even ahead of his time in terms of organizing the state.


On the occasion of the national holiday, Lisa Buttenheim congratulated Hungary on its results and thanked the country for its contribution to the peacekeeping mission in Cyprus.


By tradition, the field chaplain of the camp blessed the new bread, and then Lt.-Col. Márton Szász, the commander of the Hungarian contingent presented awards. On the occasion of August 20, more than 30 peacekeepers received commendation and tokens of appreciation for their outstanding service.


Photos by the author