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Freedom Is a Gift from God

Szöveg: Dániel Kovács |  2013. január 29. 9:03

Several diplomats, politicians and public figures participated in the prescreening of a big historical movie about the life of Abraham Lincoln in Puskin cinema, Budapest. The guests of honor of the event included Tamás Vargha, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence.

The gala screening of Steven Spielberg’s latest movie about Abraham Lincoln was preceded by a reception inside the cinema. “While freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by his people here on Earth", Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis, the ambassador of the United States quoted President Barack Obama in her speech delivered after the reception. As she said, when the incumbent American president had formulated the thoughts quoted, he had drawn from President Abraham Lincoln’s ideas, just like many of his excellent predecessors.


Thomas O. Melia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights of the United States pointed out that there are common features between Abraham Lincoln’s one-time policy and the steps taken by President Obama. For example, like Lincoln before, Barack Obama appointed some of his opponents to his cabinet whom he argued with during political skirmishes, for instance his would-be Secretary of State John Kerry. As he noted, the film shows how one can achieve successes in key historic moments. As a rule, a successful leader is not the loudest one, and his contemporaries can see politicians who are much more vocal than him. “This film can be an excellent source of inspiration for President Obama too", he added.

The prescreening was attended by many politicians, diplomats and public figures. The Ministry of Defence was represented by Parliamentary State Secretary Tamás Vargha.


Photo: László Tóth