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Handover-Takeover and Recognition in the HDF Military Advisory Team

Szöveg: HDF MAT-3 |  2014. június 11. 9:00

The second rotation of the HDF Military Advisory Team (MAT) has executed the last task in the theatre of war during more than six months of work, closing its mission with a handover-takeover process. The contingent had a busy program for the third rotation, which has arrived in the area of operation.

Besides the handover of equipment, combat vehicles and armament, before long the partner units – the Afghan Border Police (ABP) and the Afghan National Civil Order Police (ANCOP) – also introduced themselves. Thanks to the careful preparations and the excellent training standards of the incoming new contingent, the handover-takeover process was completed smoothly and the third rotation soon started executing its tasks in full cooperation with the Afghan partners.


An important phase in closing the tasks of the second rotation was the transfer of authority (TOA) ceremony and the presentation of the NATO Non-Article 5 Medals. The MAT-2 planned and executed this as an operational task. Seizing the opportunity to build even closer relations with the ABP and the ANCOP, for the first time now, the ceremony took place in the presence of the leaders of these partner units. The (deputy) commanders of the Afghan units attended the event, and the contingent received, as a guest of honor, Maj.-Gen. Schütt, the Commander of ISAF Regional Command North (RC-N) and his deputy, Brig.-Gen. Timberlake too.

The TOA ceremony provided the co-deployed contingents again with an opportunity to cooperate, since it was attended by the personnel of every subunit and besides the transfer of authority between the MAT-2 and the MAT-3, the senior national representative’s tasks and the command tasks of the HDF National Support Element were also handed over. During the ceremony, the NATO Non-Article 5 Medals were presented to the members of the MAT-2. Col. Zoltán Bárány, Commander and Lt.-Col. Zoltán Somogyi, Senior Advisor received the medal from Maj.-Gen. Schütt, whereas the personnel received it from Brig.-Gen. Timberlake, Col. Ghafar, the commander of the ANCOP 3rd Brigade and Col. Abdullah, the Deputy Commander of the ABP. The successful event was closed with a joint dinner in the evening.


With this, the MAT-2 has completed its operational tasks, but it is are now preparing for homecoming and the tasks of reintegrating soldiers into their parent units. Under Col. István Juhász, Senior National Representative, the third rotation of the MAT-3 has taken over and carries on the mentoring tasks without interruption. The MAT-3 is facing several challenges, among them, for example, the second round of elections in Afghanistan which is scheduled to take place on June 14. The contingent is drawing on all its resources in preparing for this event.

The soldiers of the outgoing HDF MAT-2 have fond memories of the more than six months that have gone and are proud of the tasks completed and the friendly cooperation with the Hungarian, international and Afghan partner organizations.