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Commemoration on the Anniversary of the Naval Battle of Otranto

Szöveg: Major Gábor Gyurán |  2019. május 27. 8:42

The Hungarian Seaman’s Association and the Rotary Club Győr held a solemn commemoration on 18th May, to mark the 102nd anniversary of the Naval Battle of Otranto, at the bronze memorial plaque placed in the building of Fort Punta d’Ostro, located on the Prevlaka Peninsula, Croatia.

The event was attended by Lieutenant Colonel László Szendrői, the Military Attaché of Hungary, and the delegation of the Hungarian soldiers serving in the HDF EUFOR Contingent, and the delegation of the Croatian Navy and Dubrovnik region.

After playing the Hungarian and Croatian anthems, József Mészáros gave a solemn speech on behalf of the Hungarian Seaman’s Association and the Rotary Club Győr. As he recalled, in the Naval battle taking place on 15th May, 1917, the Navy of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy of three light cruisers and two destroyers, under the command of Commodore (later: Admiral) Miklós Horthy successfully attacked the overwhelming Antant Navy, blocking the Adriatic Sea. The battle proved to be the greatest success of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy’s Navy.

After the solemn speech, the assembly heard the Mariner’s prayer, and laid a wreath at the memorial plaque placed on the wall of the fort’s gate. The commemoration was closed with taking group photos, and the participants also had an opportunity to view the Fort just under renovation.

Photos of 1st Lieutenant Szabolcs Gál