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Foreign Lecturers with the EOD-Experts

Szöveg: First Lieutenant Dr. Zita Markovics |  2018. november 8. 9:20

The explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) capability of the HDF 1st Honvéd EOD and Warship Regiment was enriched with new knowledge in the area of the detection, identification and disposal of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) occurring in domestic and foreign areas of operation (AOs).

The English company Drakon Group Ltd. dealing with the support of operations and training, gathers the EOD experts of the different nations together in one place, with a view that after that they conduct further education courses – where required – in any point of the world. Regarding the disposal of IEDs, becoming increasingly as weapons in the modern conflicts, the members of the instructing team have many years of experience, during the training courses they work in compliance with the NATO, STANAG and the Pest Practice standards and procedures.

“We have spent a fantastic five days with the EOD-experts of the Hungarian Defence Forces. I think that the IED Standard Workshop has achieved its goal: we subjected the EOD soldiers’ theoretical and practical knowledge to the NATO and the different STANAG standards. The results gave a useful feedback to the participating EOD experts, the command staff and to us. They provide guidance as in what way the soldiers’ knowledge should be further improved and kept up-to date. I believe that each EOD expert deserves the high-level training, so that they can perform their missions on a world-class level at home and in the mission fields, and they can show an example with their knowledge acquired to the future EOD generations. The maintenance of skills and the increase of the stock of knowledge are essential these days, when there is a continuous fight against the IEDs on the areas of operation (AOs)" – Imre Gelencsér, the member of the organisation, former active EOD soldier noted. Summing up, the leader of the five-day course added: The participants performed excellently from attentiveness and diligence, they learned the new procedures quickly and easily.

Sergeant István Judák, one of the participants of the course, has a second-class EOD examination; he has been working for eight years as an EOD-expert, but has not been on a mission abroad yet. He said that these few days showed the EOD profession from an entirely different aspect. “I am enriched with lots of information in respect of the improvised explosive devices. It made me realize the gravity of responsibility. If I enter a mission rehearsal training, the lessons learnt here can be a good grounding" – he added.

“The EOD-experts are rated six on a scale of five from theory, practice and concentration – Captain Balázs Bukta, the Deputy Chief of the EOD Operations Directorate responsible for training, HDF 1st Honvéd EOD and Warship Regiment, the leader of the team said. “During the training we brushed up our knowledge acquired in the IED area, and could receive first-hand information, we could refresh our knowledge and skills in interactive lectures and practical workshops. We have been present for long years in missions in Afghanistan, and also now many of our soldiers represent the EOD-capability in missions abroad, and there are also excellent EOD-experts amongst us, who plan to go on missions in the future. No matter whoever it is from us, we will benefit from such trainings. I can tell about all of us, that we took part in this course WITH OUR HEART AND SOUL, the same way as we practice our profession.

Photos of Imre Gelencsér and the author
