Investment into the Future
Szöveg: Béla Révész | 2018. augusztus 8. 16:30We should devote a particular attention to the future generation, as once they will guarantee Hungary’s security – Minister of Defence Dr. Tibor Benkő said in his lecture held for nearly eighty Carpathian Basin Hungarian secondary school leaders on Wednesday, August 8, in the Greater Hungary Park in Királyszállás.
In the organisation of the Rákóczi Szövetség the leaders of about eighty Carpathian Basin Hungarian secondary schools met in the Bakony Hills between August 6 and 10. The primary objective of the event was the strengthening of the Hungarian language teaching in the Carpathian basin, and the further widening of the personal and institutional relations. The headmasters can participate in different professional lectures, cultural and entertaining programs, and can exchange experiences about the difficulties and importance of the Hungarian language teaching.
Minister of Defence Dr. Tibor Benkő received an invitation as a lecturer to the professional event held in the Greater Hungary Park, in Királyszállás. In his lecture "The Issue of Youth and Home Defence in Hungary" the Minister recalled that in the past decades Hungary could live in peace, the changes taking place in the world created not only new possibilities, but new security challenges as well. Just therefore an increased amount of attention should be devoted to the patriotic education of the youth, and that they can get familiarised with the idea of patriotism. "We have to devote a special attention to the future generation, as succeeding us once they will guarantee the security of Hungary and the Hungarian people. We have to know our history, our traditions, and our values so that they can become dedicated to the cause of national defence" – Dr. Tibor Benkő pointed out, adding that the Ministry and the Hungarian Defence Forces launched their various programs in the different public and higher education institutions, because the young people can be the most effectively reached through the education system.
The Minister emphasized that in order to make the cause of national defence accepted in the widest circles of the society, the strengthening of the social relations of the Hungarian Defence Forces and the promotion of the military profession in the circle of the youth is required. Sporting provides an excellent opportunity for this, which not only strengthens the body, but also has a positive effect on the mental strength, on the competitive spirit, the camaraderie and the community life at the same time. The National Defence Sports Association was therefore established in 2016, which provides the possibility for sports and competition, doing all these basically with the help of the military type of sports, regardless of age.
Particularly, Dr. Tibor Benkő pointed out to the significance of the summer defence camps organised for the primary and secondary school children. "The number of applicants to the camps is steadily growing nationwide, so we have to launch more and more turns. This year 1300 students have applied. Our priority task is to ensure that the participating students enjoy themselves. If in the meantime we can promote the Hungarian Defence Forces in their circle, and make the military profession attractive, then we have already gained our goal" – the Minister noted. In connection with the national defence education in the secondary schools the Minister of Defence highlighted the Honvéd Cadet Program that placed the national defence education of the students on new foundations. He underlined that the students can choose the program only on voluntary basis, with their parents’ approval, in the course of which the military basics instruction is complemented with such activities that enlarge their knowledge with authentic information about the Hungarian Defence Forces. Dr. Tibor Benkő mentioned the National Military Exercises Competition, where the secondary school participants get information about the military profession through participating in military themed competitions, where they can compete with one another.
The Minister called the activity of the Kratochvil Károly Honvéd Secondary School and College operating in Debrecen, a real success story. The grade-point average of the Country’s only such type of secondary school maintained by the Ministry of Defence is increasing year after year, its students win national competitions, and the institution plays a prominent role in the popularisation of the national defence education. The school with a residential college having a military agenda has earned an enormous popularity, as the proportion of applicants is higher year after year. Based on the successful model, the Ministry plans to start the second Honvéd secondary school in Hódmezővásárhely in the near future.
Dr. Tibor Benkő underlined the importance of the scholarship system of the Ministry of Defence; one part of which serves the augmentation of the contract and reserve personnel, the other one contains the social scholarships. "The widely publicized career model is not only a word. It means a built structure, the beginning of which is already present in the education. The objective of the Hungarian Defence Forces is to continuously care about those, who would like to choose this career. Our goal is to raise the interest from an early age. The amount dedicated for this is never a waste of money, but an investment into the future" – Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Minister of Defence finished his lecture.
Photos of Veronika Dévényi