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On Return Home from Afghanistan

Szöveg: W.O. Mariann Juhász |  2018. június 18. 9:23

Colonel Dr. Tamás Bali, the Deputy Commander of the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base welcomed the soldiers of the Hungarian Contingent of the Resolute Support Mission (RSM) in their homecoming ceremony.

Colonel Bali presented a memorial card to each of the members of the team for their outstanding work executed in the personnel of the advisory positions in Afghanistan. In his festive speech he underlined that the Hungarian soldiers, who perform service away from their home, deserve every appreciation. The air and technical personnel of the Base with their work executed with a sense of duty and a high-level professional competency enhanced the reputation of the HDF Airforce. Thanks to the prestige they earned, they took over the theoretical training of the presidential transport company, and besides the training and test-flights, they showed an example from commitment, respect and from cherishing the traditions. In addition to executing their work, during the celebration of our national holiday, March 15, they organised an international simulator competition, and renovated our national symbol, the wooden headboard to be found in Kabul.

The homecoming ceremony was graced with the visit of Ildikó Urbán, the Director of the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Government Office, and Miklós Piroska, the President of the Nagykun-Szolnok County Assembly.

Photos of Lt.-Col. Krisztián Kovács and the author
