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SACT Selects New ACT Command Senior Enlisted Leader

Szöveg: CCM Jack Johnson Jr. |  2018. május 29. 11:20

I would like to take this opportunity to pass on the wonderful news and congratulate Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Tibor Bogdan, Hungarian Army on his selection as the next Allied Command Transformation Senior Enlisted Leader. He was personally selected from a group of exceptional leaders by General Denis Mercier (SACT).

CSM Bogdan served as the very first Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Army, and was later selected to serve as the Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Defence Forces. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and is well versed in NATO education and training and developing international leaders; as he served as a Course Director and Instructor at NATO School Oberammergau.

The Alliance, HQ SACT and Partner Nations will be extremely well served by this superb Command Senior Enlisted Leader. It will be an honour for me to relinquish this position and pass on the responsibility to him. CSM Bogdan will assume the role of ACT CSEL following a change of responsibility to be held in late September 2018, exact date yet to be confirmed. Until the official change over in the fall, I will continue to proudly serve the Alliance. CSM Bogdan will be a great credit to the Alliance, HQ SACT and the Hungarian Defence Force.