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Ill Girl’s Dream Comes True with Airmen’s Help

Szöveg: Éva Soproni |  2016. június 1. 9:00

On the afternoon of Saturday, 28 May, the HDF Pápa Air Base witnessed some heart-rending and at once joyful moments.


A volunteer of “Save lives" Foundation – who also works for a Veszprém-based TV channel – recently submitted an unusual request to the HDF Joint Force Command. The organizers of one of the foundation’s programs entitled “Make an ill child’s dream come true" met a little girl whose big dream was to fly aboard a military helicopter. They contacted the Hungarian Defence Forces, which “set the machinery in motion", so the requests and permits arrived in a flash, making Nárcisz Lisztes’ dream come true – or perhaps even more than she had hoped for.


As Nárcisz’ health condition did not allow her to travel by a military helicopter, she had opportunity to enjoy the experience of flying in the seat of a light aircraft taking off at the former military airfield in Szentkirályszabadja. After the flight, Nárcisz, her mother and her six-year-old little brother were taken to Pápa, where the long-awaited guests were given a warm welcome by the personnel on duty with the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base Search and Rescue Service. They held a short demonstration for the little girl, who had a broad smile on her face. A soldier leaving the helicopter gave her a signed shawl to cover her arm. The aircraft maintenance vehicles and fire trucks rolled out from their garage, and the Flight Support Squadron towed a restored Mi-24 helicopter from its stand.


The wonders, however, did not stop there. On the other end of the tarmac, the support team of Boeing Field Services were awaiting the family with open ramp and hearts, so they can roll into the huge cargo hold of the C-17 transport aircraft. They also had a chance to get into the cockpit, where they looked around in wonder. Upon seeing the little girl’s undiminished enthusiasm, Vice-Commander Lt.-Col. Zsolt Magasy invited Nárcisz to visit the recently completed air traffic control tower so she can see the aerodrome from above as well.


The faces of the airmen standing inside the hangar revealed deep respect for a delicate little girl whose biggest dream – flying – is the same as theirs.


Photos by the author