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Learning About the Hungarian Training System on a Study Tour

Szöveg: |  2013. március 28. 18:00

The students of general staff course at the Italian Joint Service Staff College (ISSMI) recently arrived in Hungary on a four-day study tour. The delegation of 24 was headed by Brig.-Gen. Badalucco Antonio, the deputy director of ISSMI. Brig.-Gen. Tibor Bozó, the chief of the Personnel Directorate of the Defence Staff received the guests.


On the first day of their study
tour, the Italians paid a visit to the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training of the
National University of Public Service (NUPS), where Col. Dr. Gábor Boldizsár, the dean of
the faculty introduced them to the workings and the tasks of the faculty and the system of
officer training as well as the military advanced leadership course.

In the afternoon – having attended a lecture delivered by Gen. (Ret.) Dr. Zoltán Szenes – the
students of the Italian general staff course participated in a round-table discussion with the
students of the military advanced leadership course.


On the second day Col. Andreas Dierich, the deputy director of the NATO Centre of
Excellence for Military Medicine (MILMED COE) received the delegation. The workings
and the tasks of the NATO MILMED COE were introduced during professional presentations,
then the guests watched a practical demonstration given by the HDF “Görgei Artúr" NBC
Area Control Centre.

On the last day of its stay the Italian delegation visited the HDF NCO Academy in
Szentendre. Brig.-Gen. Gábor Horváth, the commandant of the institution introduced the unit
to the guests, who had opportunity to learn about the ongoing C-IED training at the Academy.


Thanks to the renewed Italian–Hungarian cooperation in military training, during the
academic year 2013/2014, an Italian field officer will start his studies at the military advanced
leadership course at the NUPS after taking language courses, whereas one Hungarian field
officer will be enrolled on the general staff course of the ISSMI.
