NATO after the Warsaw Summit
Szöveg: Ádám Draveczki-Ury | 2016. szeptember 30. 21:24Chairman of the NATO Military Committee General Petr Pavel held a lecture for the students of the National University of Public Service (NUPS) in Budapest, September 30.
In his lecture given for the students, he spoke about the past, present and future of NATO. As he noted, the Alliance presently faces serious security challenges coming both from the East and from the South. From among these challenges, the strives of Russia are easier to address from the aspect that NATO had originally been established against the Soviet threat. After the events in Transnistria, Georgia, then in the Crimea and in East-Ukraine, the Russian participation in Syria made it clear that Moscow again wants to become a global actor, and to that effect it develops its Army at a growingly rapic pace:the fact that they want to replace 70% of the Russian Army’s military equipments by 2020 refers to this. Since the attacks in Paris, then in Brussels and Nizza it has become also evident that the instability in the Middle East and North Africa, and the migration crisis closely connected to it, poses a great threat to Europe.
As Petr Pavel said, the Cold War crisis could not be solved alone for anybody, similarly these situations cannot be overcome for the Member States on their own. NATO has to adapt continuously to these challenges. He added that although NATO as a matter of course is not perfect, and it always needs improvement, still the Alliance provides the best possible option for each of the Member States.
After his lecture, the General answered the questions of the audience.
Photo: László Tóth