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New candidates supported by Defence Committee

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2010. június 8. 6:23

The Defence and Internal Security Committee of the National Assembly has supported the appointment of the new candidate chief of defence staff and the new candidate directors general of the Military Intelligence Office and the Military Security Office. Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende and State Secretary Dr. István Simicskó were also present at the committee hearing on Friday. 

Pursuant to the Act on Home Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces, the Defence Committee of the National Assembly holds a hearing prior to the appointment of the candidate chief of defence staff and assesses if the candidate is qualified for the job – chairman Máté Kocsis told committee members after opening the June 4 meeting of the Defence and Internal Security Committee.

Lieutenant General Tibor Benkõ, the candidate chief of defence staff said: he is proud of the fact that he has spent a considerable part of his military career at the corps. The years spent among soldiers have taught him a lot, they have taught him, among others, that soldiers have to be respected. But he is also aware that soldiers respect their commanders only if they are consistent, humane, and set an example.


The majority of soldiers serving in the Hungarian Defence Forces are well prepared and eligible for the completion of their tasks. The command staff and the country can rely on them – Lt.Gen. Benkõ emphasised, also mentioning that he is fully aware of the Hungarian Defence Forces’ situation and he knows what is waiting for him. He is conscious of the aforesaid and is willing to do everything his oath compels him to do.

– The capabilities for the duties specified in the act have to be developed and maintained, which reassures the citizens – said the candidate chief of defence staff, adding: civilians must know that they can count on the troops – just like in the current flooding, when 1200 soldiers are working at the dams and hundreds are on standby in the barracks.

Lt.Gen. Benkõ underlined: he wants to give priority to the task of increasing the security of soldiers participating in peacekeeping missions and helping their families at home. He would also like to give priority to the development of soldiers’ career image and career model in order that personnel can feel a security of existence. Moreover – added the general – education, training and further training have to rely on the aforesaid, in order that soldiers can respond to the challenges of the age in every respect.

"It has to be achieved that the question of home defence concerns the entire society, for it is the duty of every Hungarian citizen" – said Tibor Benkõ, also mentioning that he would like if soldiers could feel that they are taken care of and their commanders count on their work and service. But exemplary performance, expertise and competence are essential to that – pointed out the candidate chief of defence staff.


– In addition to that, there are a number of other tasks waiting for the Hungarian Defence Forces, which could also be reported. But I think you can decide on the basis of what I have told you if you find me suitable for the position of the chief of defence staff – Lt.Gen. Benkõ finished his introduction.

Imre Iváncsik (MSZP), the deputy chairman of the Defence and Internal Security Committee emphasised in his remarks: the candidate chief of defence staff is a general who is expected to do an exemplary job following his appointment. "Could you name an area where, in your opinion, a radical change is needed?" – asked the deputy chairman who also wanted to know if the general wishes to make changes in the present military structure and also inquired about the instruments the general will have at his disposal to combat corruption.

General Benkõ underlined in his answer that in the Hungarian Defence Forces, a concept can never be permanent, for the structure has to be modified in accordance with the expectations of the time. In addition to that, the most important task is to strengthen the home defence capability in a way that is appropriate for everyone. Further radical changes have to be made in the area of training, which is still based on the 3×6 months system. This scheme, however, is not in accordance with practical applications.

– I think in the present military structure I do not see an issue that should be transformed, nevertheless, the Honvéd general staff cannot perform their duties properly in the present format. Therefore with the support of the defence minister, I would like to form a general staff that can responsibly fulfil their duties specified in the act – said the candidate.

In response to the question of combating corruption he pointed out that the Hungarian Defence Forces rely on the society, therefore problems present in society can also appear in the world of the soldiers. However, with their personal exemplary conduct, every leader can do something to restrain corruption.

In his answer to the question of Zsolt Endrésik (Jobbik) in connection with the troops’ equipment, Lt.Gen. Tibor Benkõ said that in the Hungarian Defence Forces there is a project entitled ’Lövész 2020’ which specifies the equipments and weapons of soldiers and what they have to prepare for.

Dr. Dávid Dorosz (LMP) highlighted the lack of officers at the services, and the candidate chief of defence staff stressed that as a result of restructuring in recent years, many experts have been discharged from the Hungarian Defence Forces. The average age of soliders is only 33, which also reflects the above. The consequence of reorganisation was that the military has lost the middle layer that could have transferred its knowledge and experiences to the young.

Following the questions, the Defence and Internal Security Committee supported Lt.Gen. Tibor Benkõ’s appointment as chief of defence staff, with 13 in favour and 3 abstentions.

In accordance with the Act on National Security Services, the committee also holds a hearing for candidate directors general of military national security services prior to their appointment, and assesses their suitability – chairman Máté Kocsis informed the committee before moving on to the second item on the agenda, which was the hearing of the candidate director general of the Military Intelligence Office.

Major General (eng.) András Tóth, who has been working as the deputy general director of the Military Intelligence Office, said that the office is a well-functioning organisation that has always fulfilled its duties with success. Thus there is no need for radical changes in the near future, which does not mean that there are no areas where productivity could be improved.

– The most important thing is to make intelligence gathering and analysis/assessment more efficient in operational areas. Our personnel are capable of this – said Maj.Gen. Tóth, who also told the committee that at the moment, the colleagues of the MIO are present in Afghanistan and the West Balkans as well.


"In order to be more productive in providing forces on deployment with reconnaissance support, it is necessary to develop an even closer relationship with the Honvéd general staff. The first step should be the amendment of the cooperation agreement to include the current elements" – said the candidate director general, also pointing out that since the MIO is a strategic intelligence organisation, their contact with users has to be more interactive. This does not require extra funds, for it can be realised by regrouping available resources.

As regards the leaders of the MIO, Maj.Gen. Tóth said: in order to make direction more dynamic, no major changes in personnel can be expected. The replacement of colleagues preparing for their retirement has been resolved. Unfortunately, the situation is not so good in the case of young, subordinate intelligence officers, who would need replacement.

In the opinion of Imre Iváncsik, who requested to speak after the introduction "we have heard a real professional, and a thoughtful leadership concept". The deputy chairman of the committee also asked a question: To what extent does corruption concern the office, and are there any instruments or measures to combat it? Maj.Gen. Tóth pointed out in his response that they have not seen the direct presence of corruption at the MIO.

With 13 in favour and 3 abstentions, the Defence and Internal Security Committee of the National Assembly has supported the appointment of Major General András Tóth as director general. The committee also held a hearing for Brigadier General László Domján, the candidate director general of the Military Security Office, who said that he has been serving in the military since the age of 14, because he began his career as a student of a military school and dormitory. Speaking about the future of the MSO he explained the first and most important thing is that the life and activities of the office should fit in the structure of the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces. His most important strategic objective is to guarantee legality – added the general.

Concerning the personnel, more emphasis has to be laid on national security training – stressed Brig.Gen. Domján, who also said that he wishes to lead an office that is capable of giving proper response to today’s challeges.

Following the introduction Imre Iváncsik underlined: since the general comes from ‘outside the firm’, he would like him to share his knowledge of the MSO with the committee. László Domján pointed out in his answer that he does not have a specific professional experience, but during his career he has met security officers in the field everywhere. However, a leader can be a good leader if he has a professional and experienced staff behind his back and he only has to manage the work. The candidate director general also announced that an experienced colleague, retired Brigadier General József Horváth will assist him as his deputy.


Zsolt Borkai (Fidesz) emphasised in his remarks: he is not concerned that the general has not worked for the Military Security Office before. In his opinion the office will have a leader who is capable of restoring the reputation of the organisation after the scandals in the recent period.

With 12 in favour, 2 against, and 1 abstention, the Defence and Internal Security Committee has supported the appointment of Brig.Gen. László Domján.