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New Internet Database for EOD Technicians

Szöveg: Béla Révész |  2017. május 2. 5:14

The EOD Equipment Database – to be managed by the Slovakia-based NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (NATO EOD CoE) with assistance from soldiers in the Alliance – is going to be renewed in terms of functions and content. Opinions from users of EOD equipment will play a central role on the new site.

Lt.-Col. Zoltán Katona, Head of the EOD CoE EOD Technology Department and Lt.-Col. Gregorz Motak, Deputy Head of the department recently paid a visit to the HDF 1st Honvéd EOD and Warship Regiment. The experts were mainly interested in the experiences gained by EOD technicians about the special technical equipment they use. The visit was a stage in a comprehensive experience-gathering tour. Lt.-Col. Katona told us that they have visited soldiers of nine nations (among them, Czech, Polish and Romanian EOD teams), because their opinions about the remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), detectors and other pieces of equipment used by them are the most authentic in this field. After collating the information, the staff of the Centre of Excellence will set up a website that systematizes data and opinions which are highly important to the units of partner countries.


“The idea itself is not new, as a similar homepage has already been online for three years, but the renewing site and concept will provide EOD technicians with a lot more opportunities. The old database was actually a registry of manufacturers of state-of-the-art EOD equipment, as well as basic information and technical specifications of their products. By contrast, in order to create novel content on the renewing site, we are now collating opinions and ideas – also, possibly critical remarks – from the users, i.e. the EOD troops, and enter them into the database too."

In the case of a database like this, the main emphasis is, of course, on information security, which depends on who can read the soldiers’ opinion about items of EOD equipment. Lt.-Col. Katona underlined that the non-public pages will be accessible only for persons with user access rights who have undergone a strict process of authentication and checking at registration.


“The manufacturers’ products are public, so anyone can have access to the descriptions of EOD equipment. The professional comments and opinions, however, are not accessible to visitors who are not logged in. In the closed forum, EOD technicians of different nations will soon be able to hold professional conversations with each other, and this function will probably be available in two months", Lt.-Col. Zoltán Katona told us.

According to the Head of the EOD CoE EOD Technology Department, this is the function that makes the new database highly important, as the continuous exchange of experiences will provide significant feedback to the manufacturers as well as to the more effective use of equipment. Therefore, the EOD technicians’ opinions about a given item of equipment can find their way to the drawing board, which will increase the soldiers’ security.


Lt.-Col. Katona told us that the experiences gathered so far on their visits are good, and the technological level of the Hungarian EOD technicians’ equipment not only bears comparison with that of the partner nations, but even reflects the state of the art.

“The HDF 1st Honvéd EOD and Warship Regiment has all the special items of equipment which represent cutting edge technology", the lieutenant-colonel emphasized in summing up the experiences of the NATO EOD CoE’s visit to Hungary.