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Parliamentary State Secretary Visits Kosovo

Szöveg: Maj. Bálint Suhajda |  2016. február 11. 9:00

Tamás Vargha, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence recently paid a two-day official visit to Kosovo.

The politician made the visit to attend an international conference “The Security Architecture of South East Europe in Light of Wider Global Challenges", which was held in “Germia Hill", Pristina. Besides the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Hungary was represented at the conference by its ambassador to Kosovo and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


On the first day of his program in Pristina, Tamás Vargha held a discussion with KFOR Commander Maj.-Gen. Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, and met the Hungarian staff officers serving at the KFOR Headquarters.

On the second day of the visit, the Hungarian delegation went sightseeing in the town, and then Minister of the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) Haki Demolli received Tamás Vargha on a courtesy call. In what followed, the delegation travelled to Camp Novo Selo, where the Hungarian Parliamentary State Secretary met with the commander of the US Forward Command Post stationed in the camp.


After the meeting, Hungarian Contingent Commander Lt.-Col. Attila Enyedi and the Hungarian Camp Commander Lt.-Col. Zsolt Ilyés reported about the tasks and accommodation circumstances of the contingent.

As the last program of his official journey, the Parliamentary State Secretary delivered a lecture at the international conference, on the future of combating international terrorism. In his speech, he emphasized that these days the violent extremist groups are preparing for committing acts of terrorism to threaten the countries holding Euro-Atlantic values. He added that “we can meet this threat by simultaneously giving national and global responses to this challenge."


Photos: 1st Lt. Gábor Szabó and Naim Shala