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Recognising flood protection efforts in Gyõr

Szöveg: |  2010. július 21. 6:36

Soldiers in the Western Hungarian region were awarded the Service Sign for flood protection and 83 of them also received a bonus. Dr. Csaba Hende – who handed over the medals in the company of Lt.Gen. Tibor Benkõ, Chief of Defence Staff, MoD, and Dr. Gábor Szarka, Head of the Cabinet Office, MoD – emphasised in his address: ”When in trouble, we soon find out who we can rely on. Hungary was in a big trouble. And you have demonstrated that she can count on you.”

"The state that tried to protect its citizens could count on you. Your commanders, who had to resolve enormous, sometimes impossible tasks in no time, could count on you. And most importantly, those people could also count on you whose life, home, property collected for long years, everything they owned became endangered in just a few horrible hours." Zsolt Borkai, the mayor of Gyõr said on behalf of the hosts that the Hungarian Defence Forces demonstrated again: in an emergency, they are capable of giving an efficient response. The way the troops were working together with disaster management, firefighters, civil defence and the police was exemplary. In the opinion of Borkai, the fact that the problem did not escalate in their region was the result of this cooperation.

Similarly to the ceremony held two days earlier in Debrecen, Dr. Csaba Hende pointed out again that this summer the Hungarian Defence Forces participated in flood protection with the highest number of troops ever, compared to previous decades. He cited the 278 soldiers with the HDF 12th Arrabona Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of Gyõr who were working in Bõny, Borsod and Almásfüzítõ, for their outstanding efforts. The minister also rewarded Cpt. Attila Balázs, the conductor of the Tata military band for his march entitled ’Heroes of the flood’, performed by his band in Debrecen and also in Gyõr, the ’city of three rivers’. The defence minister finished his address with the following sentences: "Let us make everybody as proud of the defence forces as proud we are of you now! Let us take action to deserve the love of the entire nation!"