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Special Forces Officer Receives Ministerial Recognition

Szöveg: Ádám Draveczki-Ury |  2013. március 25. 11:00

On March 20 Minister of Defence Csaba Hende presented a memento to Maj. Sándor Fábián, Senior Special Forces Advisor at the Defence Staff Operations Directorate Branch of Service Department, in recognition of his outstanding theoretical and professional work in the field of unconventional warfare against terrorism.

The major, who received a degree from the US Naval Postgraduate School last year, has been
commended for a scientific article written by him. The work “Learning from the Enemy:
Alternative Afghan Security Forces" was published as an opening article in this year’s first
number of the very prestigious journal Combating Terrorism Exchange.


“Excellently trained Special Forces soldiers like Maj. Sándor Fábián earn a lot of recognition
for Hungary. This makes it possible for them to publish in American professional journals
by invitation, thanks to their personal reputation" – Minister Hende told us in answer to
our question. “The article in question was so remarkable that the Hungarian ambassador to
Washington received a letter of thanks from the Americans in charge of the issue.

The Minister of Defence added that he had already contacted the major prior to the
publication of the article. Maj. Fábián is cooperating, among others, with Orderly Officer
Maj. László Tar in working out new methods and concepts, and they have already won
support for them from the Chief of the Defence Staff. Answering our question, Sándor Fábián
told us that this work was aimed at integrating, to the extent possible, the knowledge and
lessons learned in missions abroad into the training scheme and operational doctrines of the
Hungarian Defence Forces.

Photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky