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The Old Splendour Of The Memorial Has Been Restored

Szöveg: Renáta Révész |  2009. október 7. 6:24

Thanks to those who have sent their donations, the obelisk of the Pákozd Military Memorial is awaiting visitors again, after its old splendour has been restored. However, this will not be the only spectacular program point on the 161st anniversary of the Battle of Pákozd, to be held by the Defence Forces and Society Friendly Association next Sunday, the 27th of September. 

The memorable Battle of Pákozd took place 161 years ago, on 29 September, 1848, where the Hungarian soldiers had triumphed over the enemy forces that had heavily outnumbered them. The anniversary of the historic event has been celebrated for 11 years now by the Defence Forces and Society Friendly Association (HTBK) – with the help of their supporters, of course.

They have announced this year’s programs in the framework of a press conference, attended by the mayor of Székesfehérvár and HTBK Chairman Mr Tihamér Warvasovszky, Lieutenant-General Tibor Benkõ, Commander, HDF Joint Forces Command, and Mr István Orgovány, Chairman, Pákozd Military Memorial Committee.

– This year the series of events titled ’Pákozd 2009’ will have two program points that deserve special attention. On the 27th of September at the Pákozd Military Memorial, on the occasion of the Battle of Pákozd and the ’Day of Land Forces’ we await those who are interested with an event for families and young people on the former battlefield. On the following day, the 28th, there will be a roundtable discussion in the Cultural House of Sukoró, to which everyone is welcome, civilians as well, basically anybody who is interested in the cause of national defence. Anyone can ask questions and tell his/her opinion about the current military policy – said Lt.Gen. Tibor Benkõ, who will also be invited to the roundtable discussion as a guest.


Mr Tihamér Warvasovszky is also looking forward to the coming programs. Like he said the best way to tell people about what happened in 1848 in Pákozd on the scene of the battle are the demonstrations of the event that have been held for more than a decade. And what is more, people can also see what the defence forces mean to our country today. The spectacular demonstrations have always attracted visitors from nearby towns and villages and also from more distant areas of the country.

But this year it has become questionable whether the obelisk at the memorial would be capable of greeting the visitors in its old glory on this important day. For last winter has seriously damaged the memorial on Mészeg Hill, therefore the Pákozd Military Memorial Committee started to collect donations this summer in order to collect the necessary amount for the renovation together, with the help of the donations of citizens, business and social organizations.

– I am delighted to be able to tell that thanks to the appeal, the amount that is necessary for the renovation has been collected, what is more, the work has been completed already. The Ministry of Defence was the first to support the cause with 2 million forints, to which further donors contributed – private individuals, active and former servicemen alike, military organizations, unions, municipalities. Thanks to the joint effort, we could attain our goal. It would take too long to list all the donors, but we have placed a plaque on the renewed memorial, with the names of all those who have helped with their donations – announced Mr István Orgovány, the chairman of the Pákozd Military Memorial Committee.