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The „Spartan 300” in Kosovo

Szöveg: Mrs. Loretta Tömbölné Czirfusz |  2012. január 25. 10:03

Recently organized in Camp Slim Lines, Pristina, the competition “Spartan 300” provided opportunity for several Hungarian and Portuguese peacekeepers serving in Kosovo to demonstrate their determination and endurance while testing their strength.

The main organizer, SFC Péter Fenyvesi arranged the difficult events by taking into account the circumstances and opportunities of the camp. He is the leader of a sniper squad in the KFOR TACRES Battalion Charlie Company, and serves with the HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion in Hungary.

The present one is the fifth mission abroad for SFC Fenyvesi, who does sport regularly and likes challenge. Partly thanks to these characteristics, he completed the combat infantry course with excellent results. He participated in the competition both as an organizer and as an entrant.

The trial started with 25 pull-ups. After that, the soldiers had to lift a 60-kg weight 50 times from the ground in an upright position, then they had to do 50 regular press-ups. Their next task was to jump on a 60 cm-high stool with both feet, then came the so-called “windscreen-wiper" exercise, during which they had to touch the ground in a horizontal position on both sides of the body with both feet, while holding out a 60 kg weight.

In order to “relax", the competitors did 50 pull-ups and pressings with optional or alternating hands. This event was made more difficult with a 16-kg kettlebell. They had to make 25 pull-ups again as a cool-down exercise.

Seventeen Hungarian and two Portuguese peacekeepers entered the competition, which attracted a large number of spectators. The winner was L/Sgt. Zsolt Fóri (HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion) with a time of 12 minutes 51 seconds. The runner-up was Sgt. Gábor Illés (HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion) with a time of 13 minutes 25 seconds, while SFC Péter Fenyvesi (HDF 25/88 Airmobile Battalion) was placed third with a time of 14 minutes 8 seconds.

“In addition to the operational tasks, I consider it very important to make sure that our troops regularly check on their physical condition to maintain the proper level of training, build their endurance and if necessary, demonstrate what the Hungarian spirit is like in an international environment", Lt.-Col. Miklós Tajti, the commander of the fifth rotation of the HDF KFOR contingent told us after the competition.

Photos by the author
