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War Hero Brigadier-General Remembered

Szöveg: Tamás Zilahy |  2011. október 18. 12:12

On October 7, Friday a commemoration ceremony was held on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the departure of Posthumous Brigadier-General Dr. László Török, the war hero of the Hungarian Defence Forces, at the headboard erected in the 52nd lot of the Fiume Road National Graveyard, in Budapest. The patrolling helicopter of the late field officer was shot down above Abkhazia by terrorists. The then 54-year-old Colonel László Török served in the region as the Deputy Chief Military Observer of the UNOMIG (United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia). The tragedy occurred at 9:30 am., on October 8, 2001, 22 kilometres from Suhumi to the east.

At the ceremony taking place with military honours, present were the relations of Posthumous Brig. Gen. László Török, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff, the representatives of the Military Intelligence Office of the Republic of Hungary, the Embassy of Georgia in Budapest, the Military Intelligence Association, the Hungarian-Vietnamese Friendly Circle, the Peacekeeping Comrades’ Association, the Peacekeeping Section of the Hungarian Reservists’ Association (Matasz), the National Federation of Comrades’ Association (BEOSZ), the Balassi Bálint Comrades Association and of Kismarja, his native village.

Lt.-Col. (Ret.) (Eng.) Endre Udvardy, the Chairman of the Peacekeeping Comrades’ Public Benefit Association recalled the tragic incident that happened 10 years ago, the terror attack during which the excellent military diplomat, the recognised and well-trained commander who spoke three languages, the doctor of military sciences lost his life in the line of duty on his peacekeeping service. “During his military career László Török performed tours of duty abroad in South Vietnam, Iraq, Angola and China, before he sacrificed his life in Georgia" – he said.

On behalf of the family, the elder brother of the war hero, Ret. Col. Senior Árpád Török spoke about the good brother, the talented young man, and he thanked the commemorating gathering for paying tribute to his memory. “The only consolation for us is that László Török, our Laci sacrificed his life for peace. Please, keep his memory alive!" – he stressed.

After the speeches the participants laid wreaths at the headboard, and then the ceremony was closed with the singing of the Appeals (Szózat, second national anthem) and the Hungarian Last Post.


 Photo: Gábor Galovtsik