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WHO Assists Hungarian Defence Forces in Handling Migration Crisis

Szöveg: Szabolcs Nyulas |  2015. december 4. 11:57

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given a donation worth HUF 2.5 million to the Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Centre. The donation consisting mainly of medications and medical aids can be used in treating up to 10,000 patients for three months – this was stated at a press conference held after the handover of the special equipment in Budapest on Thursday, 26 November.


Speaking at the event, Maj.-Gen. István Szabó, Commander, HDF Medical Centre said that this summer the Hungarian Defence Forces had been assigned a task in handling the migration crisis, and since then their scope had significantly expanded, for example with the construction of a Temporary Security Barrier along the border and with providing health care for refugees at transit stations set up on the southern border of Hungary. “I think that our cooperation was exemplary with the Office of Immigration, the Red Cross, the National Ambulance Service and the Ministry of the Interior", he pointed out.

He added that in October, more than 100 military doctors and medical staff from the Military Hospital were serving along the border. He also noted that special material worth more than HUF 300 million has been allocated for this task, and the WHO donation is intended to serve this purpose too.


Dr. Zsófia Pusztai, Head of Country Office, WHO Hungary emphasized that Hungary is in a special situation because the refugees consider it a transit country; at the same time, there was a very strong pressure on the system of supply in the summer. “The crisis we are facing now will not be over, it will stay with us for a long time, therefore it is very important (…) that the affected countries prepare their health care systems and that they also have sufficient amounts of supplies available when immediate help is needed", she said, adding that that is the reason why they handed over the donation consisting of ten packages. The Head of Country Office said special thanks to the Hungarian Red Cross for its assistance with delivering the packages.


According to Deputy State Secretary for Health Policy Dr. Attila Beneda, the Hungarian Defence Forces and all other actors have performed outstandingly in handling the health aspect of the migration crisis. He reasserted that we must prepare for an enduring crisis, so inter-service and international cooperation is very important. “I think that our health care system has passed the test of the migration crisis with flying colours over the last few months, and its staff have done an excellent job", he emphasized, adding that none of the refugees died or developed a critical condition.

At the press conference, it was revealed that WHO experts have put together the donated items, which include special material suitable for maternity wards, premature baby units and adult treatment, as well as equipment, medicaments, chemicals and even water purification tablets.


Photo: Tünde Rácz