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The Hungarian Defence Forces Have Proven Themselves Again

Szöveg: Kálmánfi Gábor |  2010. december 2. 13:46

On December 2 a total of 200 soldiers were awarded the newly founded “For Disaster Relief” Service Medal in the Stefánia Cultural Centre, Budapest in recognition of the outstanding professional performance they had delivered during the disaster relief and consequence management works following the red sludge disaster. As many as 2,300 troops and 350 items of military equipment were involved in the rescue operation launched in the wake of the red sludge spill in October.

Before the presentation of the medals, speaking at the central ceremony Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende congratulated the soldiers on their performance. In his ceremonial speech, the Minister stressed that the HDF disaster relief scheme was put on alert 22 minutes after the sludge reservoir burst its banks, and 90 minutes later all the troops were mobilized. He stressed that the village of Kolontár was evacuated in an hour.

“You, Hungarian servicemen, were present everywhere you were needed. Working on the “frontline" and using the available equipment, you have done a job that led to the success of the entire disaster relief operation. I saw resolution in your faces as everyone was doing his duty. The HDF Havaria Laboratory was the first to take a sample from the red sludge for analysis. The state-of-the-art NVG equipment of the HDF helicopters detected the dangerous possibility of another burst on the reservoir. The bridge of Kolontár – that was constructed in six days with great professionalism – links the two banks of the stream, and it also links something in the people’s hearts. After the summer flash flood you have proven again with flying colors that the Hungarian Defence Forces are ready and able to execute their tasks, mainly due to their personnel’s commitment", the Defence Minister said.

Dr. Csaba Hende added that Hungary will not be a country without consequences any more. “All the guilty ones will be

punished deservedly", the Minister said, noting that the country joined forces again to help the people in trouble, and this nationwide cooperation “ has brought us closer to each other".

The Defence Minister said the Hungarian Defence Forces have gone a long way towards “occupying their deserved place in the heart of the nation". Dr. Csaba Hende stressed that national defence is going to be a priority in 2011 in the interest of serving the nation. He pointed out that after a long time there will be a significant increase in the defence budget. He reasserted that the volunteer reservist system is going to be established so that the HDF can deploy even more personnel in responding to potential future disasters.

Gen. Tibor Benkő, Chief, MoD Defence Staff made a toast at the reception following the ceremony, thanking the troops for their heroic efforts.