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The 23rd Rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent Began its Service

Szöveg: Major Gusztáv Jely |  2019. március 18. 18:05

The handover/takeover ceremony of the 22nd and 23rd Rotations of the HDF EUFOR Contingent was graced with the participation of EUFOR Commander Major General Martin Dorfer. The speeches of the Commanders of the Contingent were followed by the lowering and hoisting of the Unit Colours and the awarding ceremony.

In his speech Brigadier General Gábor Horváth, EUFOR Chief of Staff thanked for the hard work of the soldiers of the 22nd rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-22 HUNCON), the patience and support of their family members, which has made and makes the honest and professional performance of the Hungarian soldiers possible in the area of operation (AO). Brigadier General wished successful and efficient work to the new Contingent Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Gábor Tamás, who performs standby service from the national territory. In the area of operation Major Gábor Gyurán is the commander of the Support Element (Deputy Support Chief of the Commander of the Contingent).

The personnel of the 23rd rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-23 HUNCON) arrived on 1st March on the area of operation. Following the two-week work of the handover-takeover committees the transfer of authority ceremony took place on 14th March. After signing of the protocols, the flag of the HDF 43rd Nagysándor József Signal and Command and Control Support Regiment was replaced – now for the sixth time – by the flag of the Győr-based HDF 12th Arrabona Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Wing.

The 23rd rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent begins its six-month service with a reception co-ordination element, while the greater part of the Contingent performs standby duty on national territory.

Photos of Sergeant Krisztián Czár