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Military Spelling Dictionary

2013. május 15. 8:13

The Military Spelling Dictionary is a much-needed, useful reading for all those – either within the Hungarian Defence Forces or in civil life – who prepare written materials in topics containing military terms. This new publication also includes the words and expressions of military terminology arising from the transformed structure of the armed forces and the considerable changes in warfare as well as the military task system over the past decades. In conformity with the spelling rules of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Military Spelling Dictionary shows the correct form of the words and expressions, thereby promoting the uniform use of Hungarian military terminology in terms of  grammatical correctness.When browsing this spelling dictionary prepared by the Zrínyi  Publishing House, readers can find over sixty thousand elements from the terminology of military sciences and familiarize themselves with the unique rules of military orthography as well.“The only permanent thing is change” – this saying also applies to the Military Spelling Dictionary! With the passage of time, the entries will need updating again and again, which anyone can follow up by regularly visiting our publicly available electronic dictionary on the website

Year of publish: 2013
Language: Hungaraian
Number of pages: 812
Size: 148×210 mm
Binding: sewn, hardcover
ISBN: ISBN 978 963 327 580 0
Price: 25 USD + delivery fee
Stock: You can buy the book directly from the publisher: Postal address: 1087 Hungary, Budapest, Kerepesi út 29/b, Fax: 06-1-459-5382, Points of contact: Edina Győr: +36-30-578-1048, [email protected]; Cynthia Bartha: +36-30-633-0619, [email protected]