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Ádám Draveczki


“We Are At The Third Place Within The NATO”

2009. október 22. 8:50

‘The NATO and Russia – finding common interests’ was the title of the lecture delivered by Defence Minister Dr. Imre Szekeres for the students of Pannon University in Veszprém. After the lecture the students of the university had an opportunity to ask the head of the portfolio about the abovementioned and other important issues.


190 Million Brazilians Thanked Hungary For Treating Massa

2009. szeptember 12. 8:55

Monday morning, in the courtyard of the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History (HM HIM) certificates of merit were awarded to the staff of the National Health Care Centre (ÁEK) contributing to the recovery of Felipe Massa. The state secretary of the Brasilian sports ministry also attended the event, during which the letters of thanks of Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone and the pilot, already recovering at home, were read out.


48 Young Lieutenants Sworn In

2009. augusztus 29. 8:30

The graduates of Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence swore in on 20 August, the national holiday of Hungary, in accord with the tradition. The major event that attracted thousands was held in Heroes’ Square for the third time. There was also a military technology display in the square. 


With Defence Education For An Efficient Reservist System

2009. május 10. 9:10

The Centre for Security and Defence Studies held its roundtable discussion titled ‘The defence of the country as civilians see it, with professional support’ about the organizational principles and operation of a reservist system that complies with the standard and requirements of our times and fits in the operation of the Hungarian Defence Forces.


“The Defence Forces Are Worthy Of The Trust Of Society”

2009. március 4. 9:22

In 2009, the Hungarian Defence Forces will continue to act in the spirit of permanence but due to the impacts of the global economic crisis certain changes will also be introduced. Minister of Defence Imre Szekeres has spoken about the above and many other current issues in detail in his interview given to


”We Have Always Found The Proper Solutions”

2009. január 24. 9:32

After four years of work, General András Havril has left his office as the chief of the defence staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces, to hand it over to his successor, General László Tömböl. We have talked with the leaving commander about the major achievements in his work and his experiences.


”The Key To The Power Of Armed Forces Is Cooperation”

2008. szeptember 16. 8:11

Although the Belgian military have more personnel than the Hungarian armed forces, there are a lot of identical or similar points in the two armies. This is what we have discussed with General August van Daele, the Belgian Chief of Defence Staff, who paid an official visit to Hungary upon the invitation of his Hungarian colleague General András Havril.


‘Patriotism Can Be Shown Also In Deeds’

2008. július 5. 7:41

Recent weeks haven’t been uneventful concerning the overall issues of the defence forces: we were talking with Ágnes Vadai, State Secretary for Defence, about the situation of reservists, the C-17 airport of Pápa and the current environmental-country planning debates.


Every Astronaut Works For the Future of Earth

2008. május 29. 13:49

The first Hungarian astronaut, Bertalan Farkas went into space between 26 May and 3 June, 1980 in the framework of the Intercosmos Programme. We have interviewed the retired brigadier general on the occasion of the anniversary.