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Ministry of Defence - 9. oldal


Minister of Defence Receives Croatian Chief of Defence on a Courtesy Call

2017. április 23. 10:12

On Thursday, 20 April in Budapest, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó received Croatian Chief of Defence Gen. Mirko Šundov on a courtesy call.


Director of NATO Office of Resources Visits Hungary

2017. március 27. 9:00

Director of NATO Office of Resources (NOR) John F. Aguirre held discussions in Hungary about the development projects implemented within the NATO Security Investment Programme (NSIP) and the evolution of Hungary’s defence budget. On 20–21 March, the American guest visited Pápa and Székesfehérvár, where he was informed about the recently completed and ongoing development projects, of which the NSIP investments and resources are of special importance.


Dr. István Simicskó: Creating Security Is In Our Common Interest

2017. március 24. 9:00

In Budapest, on Thursday, 23 March – the closing day of the NATO Transformation Seminar – Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó met with General Denis Mercier, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation.


Dr. István Simicskó Meets With NATO Secretary General

2017. március 23. 18:20

On Thursday, 23 March – the closing day of the NATO Transformation Seminar – NATO Secretay General Jens Stoltenberg honored the prestigious event with his presence and held a discussion with Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó at a bilateral meeting.


Péter Siklósi Holds Discussion with NATO Deputy Secretary General

2017. március 23. 9:00

On Wednesday, 22 March – the opening day of the NATO Transformation Seminar –, Péter Siklósi, Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning of the Ministry of Defence held a bilateral discussion with NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller.


NATO Transformation Seminar in Budapest

2017. március 21. 9:00

The Allied Command Transformation organizes the NATO Transformation Seminar 2017 – a featured NATO event – in Budapest between 22-23 March.


Visit by the members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

2017. március 2. 7:49

On Tuesday, 28 February, Parliamentary State Secretary Tamás Vargha received in Budapest a delegation from the British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.


Minister of Defence receives Polish ambassador

2017. március 1. 12:07

On Tuesday, 28 February, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó received Polish ambassador Jerzy Snopek on a courtesy call in Budapest. The ambassador presented his letter of credence to President of Hungary János Áder in November 2016.


Enhancing regional cooperation to overcome the migration crisis

2017. február 8. 16:50

On 8 February 2017, the Austrian presidency of the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) organized a conference in Vienna with the title “Managing Migration Challenges Together”. The meeting was attended by ministers of defence and the interior from member states of the extended CEDC+ and the extended “Forum Salzburg”.


Courtesy Call by Russian Deputy Defence Minister

2017. február 5. 12:49

On Thursday, 1 February in Budapest, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó received, on a courtesy call, Russian Deputy Minister of Defence Yuriy Ivanovich Borisov.